Slide Alatyr
hasicí systémy
We're changing the worldview
fire fighting and fire prevention.
We minimize damage
lives and property.

The Alatyr solution is based on the patented technology
EXTUINGISHmist and ROTORmist, developed by the company Telesto.

This makes it possible to spray water in micron drops, so-called dry fog, and also application under very low pressure. Dry fog puts out all types of fire with a high level of effectiveness and safety, and without negative impacts on people, property and the environment.

Unique patented technology
The Alatyr solution is based on the patented technology EXTUINGISHmist and ROTORmist, developed by the company Telesto.
This makes it possible to spray water in micron drops, so-called dry fog, and also application under very low pressure. Dry fog puts out all types of fire with a high level of effectiveness and safety, and without negative impacts on people, property and the environment.
Complete services from A to Z
Alatyr supplies hand-held extinguishers, breathing masks and protective aids for civilian use. It implements solutions and technical deliveries for professional firefighting services and for the industrial sector via its suppliers and partners from the initial proposal, through implementation and finishing with training of employees and ensuring long-term servicing.
The company Alatyr Hasící Systémy CZ s.r.o. acts as the umbrella contractor, supplier of extinguishing systems and fire protection systems and seller of extinguishing equipment and accessories in the Czech and Slovak republics. It acts as a subsidiary of the British company Alatyr LTD and contractual partner of the Polish company Telesto.
One key partner of AHS is the Polish company Telesto, which designs, develops and markets equipment and systems using patented technology for spraying drops as super-fine mist for extinguishing fires, neutralisation of smells, decontamination of buildings and other applications.
The company Telesto has invented, tested and certified the technology EXTINGUISHmist and ROTORmist.
Our suppliers
We are capable of implementing projects in the Czech and Slovak republics with the aid of our suppliers, who are the leaders in their field. As a result we can carry out any order reliably, quickly and at a high level of quality.

Tepostop s.r.o.

Manufacturer of FIRESTOP® fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing systems in the Czech Republic.

Garnets Consulting a.s.

Engineering consultancy and project management in the field of construction.

Metrostav a.s.

Construction company able to acquire and manage large and complex projects on the Czech market and in 15 other European countries.

Jika CZ 

Complex design studio in the field of construction.

Do you need advice about the solution?

Give us your phone number. We’ll call you back today and deal with your requirements.
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By sending your telephone number you agree with being contacted by a representative of the company Alatyr Hasicí systémy. More about privacy protection..
Do you want to find
out how you can
use dry fog?
Do you want to know more
about the use of 
dry fog in practice?
Are you interested in the technical
parameters for the generation of dry fog?

Otázky a odpovědi

Jak je to s hasícím režimem v rámci tarifu?

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Co se stane, když hasící medium vyčerpám?

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Bude mi stačit rychlost trysek?

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Jaký je rozdíl mezi připojením trysek na původní systém a řešením na míru?

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Jaké jsou základní parametry hasícího systému pro technologie?

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Mohu hasící systém nezávazně vyzkoušet?

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Just one micron separates you from a top-class fire solution
of the new generation tailored precisely to your needs.
Contact us.
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